Planning a Train Journey

Trains are the way to go for efficient and affordable travel in Portugal! Here are my tips for booking a train journey and discovering beautiful places across the country.

Visit the Official Website

Book your tickets directly from Comboios de Portugal (CP). Avoid third-party websites, as CP is your go-to for reliable bookings.

CP Main Website

Select Your Routes and Dates

Enter your departure and arrival stations, plus your travel dates. The system will show available trains and schedules for your convenience.

Station and Date Selection on CP website

Choose Your Train

Select the train that fits your itinerary, considering departure times, travel duration, and layovers. CP allows purchases up to 2 months in advance, offering big discounts if you book 5+ days ahead – up to 40%!

On the Service column you have the type of train – AP (Alfa) is the fast one; IC (Intercidades) is also a valid option. You also have shorter course trains (R – Regional; U – Urban), ideal to visit some neighboring towns for the day.

Schedule and train selection.

Add Passengers and Check Fares

Specify passenger numbers and check fares. Explore discounts for specific demographics and use the “promo ticket” when booking in advance – the discount isn’t automatic!

Select number of passengers.

Add each passenger’s information.

Add Passenger Data

Don’t forget to apply your discount code!

Apply promo code
Review Discount

Select Your Seat

Choose your seat based on preferences, such as window views or proximity to facilities. See the picture below to secure your preferred spot! Refer to this post if you have any concerns regarding which way your seat faces.

Review Your Booking

Double-check dates, train choices, and passenger info before confirming your booking.

Payment and Confirmation

Proceed to payment using various methods accepted by Comboios de Portugal. Once completed, your train journey is booked!

Save Your Ticket

After booking, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your e-ticket. Save it on your phone or print a copy for a smooth boarding process.

Bonus: 🌍 Regions and Towns Accessible by Train 🚆

  • From Porto: Coimbra, Aveiro, Braga, Guimarães, Douro Valley (Régua & Pinhão).
  • From Lisbon: Évora, Setúbal, Tomar, Santarém, São Martinho do Porto.
  • In the Algarve: Vila Real Santo Antonio, Tavira, Olhão, Faro, Portimão, Lagos.

Sérgio Costa

Portugal EV Tours

[email protected]

Link to the original post.

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