Pao de lo: Portuguese Sponge Cake
- 9 eggs at room temperature
- pinch of salt
- 1 1/2 cups sugar
- 1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- Beat eggs in electric mixer with salt until light, gradually beat in sugar.
- Continue beating for about 20 minutes, mixture will be very thick.
- Mix flour and baking powder together in a bowl and add to egg mixture one spoonful at a time, have your mixer on the lowest setting while doing this. Blend well after each addition.
- Pour batter into a 10 inch tube pan that has been greased and lined with parchment paper.
- Bake in 350 degree oven for 40 minutes. Let cool in pan for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove and peel off wax paper.
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Hi Sandra, thank you very much for your kind words. Feel free to link up to any of the recipes on the blog. Looking forward to having a look at your website.
Hello, I love all the recipes that you have under your Portuguese Kitchen and I have tried many of them of course, being Portuguese myself! I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind me using your Pao de Lo as a link on my website? I am going to be writing an article about Portuguese cakes and you have covered it here. Please let me know if that will be ok with you.
Many thanks
Ola Alcidia, eu uso Robin Hood All Purpose Flour, nao sei se ha ai nos Estados Unidos. Eu estou no Canada. Aqui no Canada tambem ha muitos sitios Portugueses que vendem produtos de Portugal. Ja vi ca essa faria que voce usava. Tambem ha cake flour da mesma compania, essa ja tem feremento. (Desculpe os erros no meu Portuguese, nao sei escrever muito bem em Portuguese).
Olá! Queria lhe dar os parabéns pelo seu blog e facebook page. Cheguei à pouco tempo aos Estados Unidos e tenho tido dificuldade em conseguir os resultados habituais nos bolos devido à farinha. Em Portugal, usava a Branca de neve Super fina. Qual será a farinha mais indicada para os bolos e, neste caso, para o pão-de-ló que também adoro?
I am so glad you tried the recipe and like it!! It is also such an easy recipe!
I made your recipe this week and I have to say, thank you so much for posting it! It turned out perfect. I live in Colorado now, far from any place that would sell pao de lo and I had been craving it for a while. I'm so glad I can make it myself!
I used a spring form 'cause that's all I had and it worked great. Next time I'm just gonna cook it a little less, the one my family used to buy back in Portugal was always a bit runny in the middle and I liked that so much!
Thanks Julie, it is a great tasting cake and super easy to make. I would love to link up, thanks for the invite.
My Portuguese grandma (Margaret as well) always made this cake. I think I will have to make this with my girls this weekend!
I would love to have you link this up over at my party going on now at
Your newest follower,
Thanks Ashley and thanks for the follow as well. Great to have you here 🙂
…and thanks for the follow 🙂