Using international bank cards in Portugal is a good option, especially when you are in a pinch. Most places in Portugal will accept either debit or credit cards. Here we will break down different scenarios and things to consider when paying with an international bank card.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics
1. Visa or MasterCard
Visa and MasterCard are most widely accepted throughout Portugal and Europe. If you travel with your American Express card, make sure to bring a backup card in case, as not all businesses accept American Express.
2. Pay in Euros and Reject the Conversion
When inserting a card into a payment terminal at a store, restaurant, etc. you may be prompted a couple of questions.
The first prompt will give you two options:
(1) Your home currency, or
(2) Euros
Always choose Euros. Paying in your bank’s home currency may result in unfavorable fees and a poor exchange rate.
Once you choose Euros, you will get a second prompt:
(1) Accept Conversion, or
(2) Reject Conversion
Choose Reject Conversion. This will leave it to your bank to make the conversion, thus giving you a better conversion rate and avoiding hidden fees.
Note: If you tap your card, you may not be given these prompts.
3. Withdraw Euros from MultiBanco ATM
MultiBanco ATMs will give you the best conversion without unnecessary fees compared to other ATM machines. For tips on how to withdraw money from a MultiBanco ATM, click here.
4. Your Bank’s International Travel Perks
Before traveling, check what perks your bank card offers for international travel. Some cards offer little to no foreign exchange fees. Other perks you can look into are travel insurance, flight delay insurance, rental car collision loss/damage, travel accident coverage, travel points, and airport & hotel perks. If your card offers insurance and coverage, make sure to use that bank card when purchasing flights or rentals to ensure coverage.
Follow these tips when using your international bank cards in Portugal to ensure you get the most out of your trip. If you are looking for more information regarding trains, flights, tour guides, and more, check out our guide of essential tips & resources.
Happy Travels!