Doily Table Runner

 Doilies runner
Inspired by a photo I saw on Pinterest,
I took some doilies made by my Mom and Grandma and sewed them together into a runner.
I am happy to finally display them…they had been in an old hope chest for many many years.
 I simply spread them out on the table and when I was happy with the look I began to sew them together.
 Doilies , runner
I may add more in the future by overlapping them …
 Doilies, runner
If you have doilies hidden somewhere try bringing them out and making something new with them.
I have many more doilies that my Mother, Grandmothers and Great aunts have made for me over the years
and I will be back with more projects soon.
Thanks for coming by,


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DIY projects



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  1. Cute! I love your table runner – plus it’s so meaningful to use doilies from your family! I just made a table runner yesterday, but no doilies here 🙁

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