I’m a “Cosmo” Girl

Way before it became popular on Sex and the City

But I understand why it became their drink

It’s sexy.  Just look at it!

cosmopolitan drinkCosmopolitan Cocktail  (photo credit)

 Served in a cocktail glass, it exudes, elegance, flair and style.   Even the colour emanates pizazz!

girls night out -2

Wannabe “Sex and the City” Girls 

The last time I went out with the “girls”, I ordered a Cosmo and regrettably wore it home.  I’m a klutz…spiller…considered overzealous at times…you name it.  When I speak, my hands flail in the air like a madwoman.  I can’t help myself.  So what is a girl to do?  Order another one of course.  And this one I actually drank.

There are several ways to make a Cosmo but here is my favourite.  Enjoy.

Cosmo (Cosmopolitan Cocktail)


  • 1 oz (3 cl) Cranberry juice
  • 0.5 oz (1.5 cl) Lime juice
  • 0.5 oz (1.5 cl) Cointreau (liqueur, orange)
  • 1.25 oz (3.75 cl) Vodka
  • 1 Lime or lemon


  1. Have all ingredients, accessories and garnishes ready. Including a cocktail shaker.
  2. Pour the cointreau, cranberry juice, lime juice, and vodka into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
  3. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.
  4. Garnish with lime wedge or lemon slice.
  5. If you’re like me, I like my drink in a chilled glass for a cool effect. Simply chill the cocktail glass with ice beforehand, pour it out, and then pour the ingredients in the glass.
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Margaret is a “Caipirão” Girl

When she visited Portugal in 2009 she had her first Caipirão at a family wedding.  She was so impressed that she begged the bartender to show her how to make it.  She has never looked back! caipirao, licor beirao

Margaret’s Caipirão recipe. Enjoy.

licor beirao

Margaret’s Ingredients:
  • 2 oz Licor Beirao
  • 1/2 sliced lime 
  • 1 tsp brown sugar (optional)
Recipe Instructions:
  1. Add sliced lime and sugar to an old-fashioned glass.
  2. Crush and pour the Licor Beirao into the glass.
  3. Add crushed ice and stir well.
Cosmo & Caipirão

 Whose drink is your favourite?  Leave us a comment.


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Portuguese recipes





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