Park and Palace of Monserrate: Sintra’s Hidden Treasure

During my trip to Portugal this August, we took a day trip to Sintra to explore the gorgeous architecture and rich history. As it was August, we knew it was unlikely we would be able to fully enjoy Peña Palace and Quinta da Regaleira due to all the tourists. With that in mind, we (possibly controversially) decided to skip Peña Palace and explore the Park and Palace of Monserrate instead. I will say, I do not regret it one bit.

After we spent the entire morning at Quinta da Regaleira, we sought out a slower and quieter afternoon. We toyed with the idea of getting lunch and going home or if we should go to Monserrate Palace as planned. We decided to go with our initial plan and visit the palace as we were already in Sintra and unlikely to return during our trip. Once our Uber arrived, we were off up the winding roads to what would become my favorite place to visit in Portugal.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the beautiful green space and gorgeous buildings.

Trees parted to look over grass clearing and pond.
Red building behind palm tree leaves.

After a 10-minute walk, we spotted the gorgeous palace.

Palace of Monserrate

We spent a long time walking around the palace, admiring every intricate detail. It is noticeable how much effort goes into preserving and restoring this breathtaking building.

Close up of the palace's stone facade.
Pillars on the side of the palace of monserrate.

Inside the palace is just as gorgeous as the outside. Every hallway, arch, wall, and door was meticulously designed and decorated.

Wooden door with carvings of a large tree and people sitting beneath it.

Don’t forget to look up.

Ceiling design adorned with carving and daisies
Ceiling designed with carvings and other embellishments.

When we left the palace, there was so much green space to explore. We were kicking ourselves for not bringing a picnic to enjoy as we took in the sights.

Grassy hill on the side of the palace.

Spot the wildlife!

Frog sitting on a twig in a pond.

In all honesty, I could have spent the entire day at Monserrate. Wandering through the park and palace felt like stepping into a storybook. The park is also extremely peaceful and quiet, the grounds were perfect for laying out a blanket, enjoying a picnic, and reading a book. I will definitely visit again.

If you ever have the opportunity, do not skip the park and palace of Monserrate. If you need more convincing, check out more photos at the end of this post.

Looking for another underrated Portuguese location? Step back in time as you discover Monsaraz.

Boa Viagem!


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